What a nite!
We've waited for hours.
Surf the net on mobile fone and guess what?
It says that Meteor Showers will be
around 5am. What? 5am?

Damn one of the local papers here with
stupid informations: 12am-4am?!!

While waiting, we had fun.
Party with hot drinks and junk foods!
One of us even fell asleep while waiting
for our beloved Leonids.
And another one pee in a plastic bag
since there's no toilet around us.
Adventurous time!
Finally the moment that we've been
waiting for... happens right
infront of our eyes - The Leonids!

We're damned happy, noisy and busy counting it.
Well, i managed to spot 11 altogether.
By 0510am, more ppl are with us!
We decided to make a move and head
back home. Enough of it!
At the end of the day, 5 of us
suffered from severe headache - thats me;
and the rests - body aching!
We expected more 'shooting stars'
but... sigh... not much though.
Maybe Singapore is not a good location
to see Meteor Showers.
Whatever it is,
i'm proud to witness the phenomenon.

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